5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Real Estate Agent

Choosing the right real estate agent can be the difference between a smooth, successful home sale and a frustrating, drawn-out process. It’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly, as the right agent can be your trusted advisor, advocate, and expert guide throughout the entire journey.

Before you commit to working with an agent, it’s essential to ask the right questions to ensure they’re the perfect fit for your needs. These questions will help you assess their experience, marketing strategies, communication style, and overall compatibility with your goals. By taking the time to have an open and honest conversation, you’ll be able to find an agent who not only understands your needs but also has the expertise and resources to help you achieve your desired outcome.

For instance, as an experienced real estate agent like me with more than ten years in the industry, I understand the importance of asking the right questions to find a trustworthy partner for your home-selling journey. This is especially critical if my clients aren’t familiar with Singapore property environment.

In this guide, we’ll explore five essential questions you should ask potential agents before hiring them. These questions will empower you to make an informed decision and select an agent who can navigate the complexities of the real estate market, effectively market your property, and negotiate the best possible deal on your behalf.

Question 1: What is your experience in the local market?

When it comes to selling your home, local expertise is invaluable. A real estate agent who deeply understands your neighborhood or area can accurately assess your property’s value, identify its unique selling points, and tailor marketing strategies to appeal to local buyers.

Don’t hesitate to ask potential agents about their experience in the local market. Inquire about their track record, including the number of homes they’ve sold in your area and the average time it took for those properties to sell. This information can give you a good indication of their knowledge and effectiveness in your specific market.

A seasoned agent with a strong local presence will have established relationships with potential buyers, other agents, and industry professionals, which can be a significant advantage in the selling process. Their insights into current market trends, pricing strategies, and buyer preferences can help you make informed decisions and achieve the best possible outcome.


Question 2: How will you market my property?

In today’s competitive real estate market, effective marketing can make all the difference in attracting potential buyers and securing a successful sale. A well-crafted marketing plan should showcase your property’s unique features and appeal to a wide range of potential buyers.

When interviewing potential agents, don’t be afraid to ask detailed questions about their marketing strategies. Inquire about their use of online listings on popular real estate platforms, as well as social media channels and email marketing campaigns.

A strong marketing plan should also include professional photography and videography to showcase your home in the best possible light. Virtual tours can also be a valuable tool for engaging buyers who may be unable to visit the property in person.

Don’t forget to ask about offline marketing tactics as well, such as open houses, brochures, and direct mail campaigns. A well-rounded marketing approach that combines both online and offline strategies can maximize exposure and increase the chances of attracting the right buyer for your property.

As for me, although it is important to have an online presence on popular online platforms like Propertyguru, that is not all to it. It is also essential that I need to have other form of strategic marketing as well. Taking good photography and videography to showcase the property to potential buyers is important to create positive first impression in them.


Some examples of good photography that I have taken for those properties that my clients entrusted me to sell exclusively.


Property video that is done for my clients

All my exclusive listings will be placed on my website where I also share plenty of property knowledge which are more focused on Core Central Region (CCR) and Rest of Central Region (RCR). The knowledge that I share on my website will benefit those who are keen to understand more about CCR and RCR.

Question 3: What is your communication style, and how often will you update me?

Clear and consistent communication is the cornerstone of a successful client-agent relationship. It ensures you’re informed, involved, and empowered throughout the selling process.

When interviewing potential agents, it’s crucial to understand their communication style and frequency. Are they proactive in reaching out with updates, or do you need to initiate contact for information? Do they prefer phone calls, emails, or text messages? How often can you expect updates on showings, feedback, or offers?

Every seller has different communication preferences. Some may prefer daily check-ins, while others may prefer weekly summaries. As for me, communication with my seller is very important. It is crucial that he understands how I work. Frequent updates are given to them in term of viewings, buyers’ feedback and my personal feedback towards the property or even how the property should be priced as we process.

Feedback is important as it is a reflection of the demand of the market. I always believe in two ways communication between me and my clients and utmost trust in me is needed in order for me to close the deal successfully.

Therefore, in my opinion, it is important to find an agent whose communication style aligns with yours. This will help build trust, reduce stress, and ensure you’re always in the loop regarding your home sale. A responsive and transparent agent is essential for a positive selling experience. Don’t hesitate to ask for clarification on their communication practices and express your own expectations to ensure a good fit.


Question 4: What is your commission rate and fee structure?

While the quality of service is paramount, understanding the financial aspect of hiring a real estate agent is equally important. Commission rates and fee structures can vary significantly, so it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what you’ll be paying.

Don’t hesitate to ask potential agents about their commission rate, which is typically a percentage of the final sale price of your home. In Singapore, the standard commission rate for sellers is 2%, but it can be negotiated depending on the complexity of the sale and the agent’s experience.

In addition to the commission, inquire about any other fees you might incur, such as marketing expenses, staging costs, or administrative charges. For instance, my commission rates are competitive and transparent, with no hidden fees. I believe in providing my clients with upfront and honest information about all costs involved.

Transparency regarding fees is essential for building trust and avoiding surprises down the line. A reputable agent will be upfront about their commission rate and any additional fees, allowing you to make an informed decision based on both their expertise and the financial implications.


Question 5: Can you provide references from past clients?

Past client references are like gold nuggets in the real estate world. They offer firsthand insights into an agent’s performance, professionalism, and overall effectiveness. While an agent’s website or marketing materials may highlight their achievements, nothing speaks louder than the testimonials of satisfied clients.

Don’t hesitate to ask potential agents for references from recent clients. Inquire about their experiences working with the agent, their communication style, negotiation skills, and overall satisfaction with the results. You can also ask for specific examples of how the agent went above and beyond to meet their needs or overcome challenges during the selling process.

By speaking with past clients, you can gain valuable insights into the agent’s work ethic, communication style, and ability to deliver results. You can also get a sense of their personality and whether you feel comfortable and confident working with them.



Asking these five essential questions before hiring a real estate agent can empower you to make a confident and informed decision. Remember, the right agent is not only a professional but also a partner who will advocate for your best interests, communicate openly, and guide you through every step of the selling process.

As an experienced real estate agent with a proven track record in the local market, I’m committed to providing my clients with the highest level of service and expertise. I believe in building strong relationships based on trust, transparency, and open communication. My goal is to make your home-selling journey as smooth, stress-free, and successful as possible.

If you’re ready to take the next step in selling your home, I invite you to schedule a free consultation with me. We can discuss your specific needs, answer any questions you may have, and explore how my expertise can benefit you. Your dream home sale is just a conversation away.

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