Private Property

buy house in singapore

Can a Foreigner buy a house in Singapore?

The Singapore Real Estate Market maintains one of the most promising within the Asian market. Considering that Singapore is a financial hub for all of Asia – there is definitely strategic value in owning property on the Island State. To answer the question on whether a foreigner can buy a house in Singapore – the answer is no, not for the average investor. Landed houses are only available to...

Is it still worth buying a condo in Singapore?

Is it worth buying a condo in Singapore?

Buying a Condo in Singapore Procedure With the current global pandemic shutting down the world – there are some investors that would like to know; “Is it still worth buying a condo in Singapore?” The answer is not as black and white as some might expect. Some people believe that right now is not a good time to buy real estate whereas others are investing in the idea that “a global...

Virtual Real Estate Tours in Singapore

Should you buy property through virtual tour? Is it safe to do so?

If there is one thing that is certain – 2020 has radically shaped the way that we do business globally. In April this year, Singapore went into a circuit breaker. Essentially – all Real Estate listings in Singapore was inaccessible except through remote viewing. By “remote viewing” – we’re referring to Virtual Tours for property of course. While this is nothing new, the demand for...

properties in singapore

Why are properties in Singapore so expensive?

There is no denying that Singapore is one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing cities in the world. It is also among the top financial cities in the world making it an exciting place for investors. The key to success in Singapore is being in the right place and that means you need to be in the center of all the action. So why are properties in Singapore so expensive? With the availability of...

experienced real agent in singapore

Part four – the buying process and making a decision in purchasing real estate in Singapore – a guide for local customers

Now that we have walked through how to properly conduct a property search in Singapore, it’s time to understand the buying process in a bit more detail. There are a variety of different approaches a buyer can take and depending on the type of property – it can greatly influence this process. We’ll be taking a look at the most common payment schemes to provide a generalized understanding of...

best property in Singapore

Part three – How to properly conduct a property search as a local in Singapore – a guide for local customers

Now that we have gone over some of the financials you would need to get in order prior to going on the hunt for a property, which brings us to our next point; how should you begin your property search? One of the reasons we placed the “Assessment of your financial capabilities” before this chapter is because it is vital in determining what you can buy. You must begin your search based on your...


Part two – Assessing your financial capability in purchasing real estate in Singapore – a guide for local customers

STEP 2: Assessment of Your Financial Capability Purchasing real estate in Singapore is quite a challenge and in part one we discussed understanding our needs and the purpose of purchasing a HDB or private condo in the Singapore property market. In the second part of this guide, we move on to another crucial element when it comes to purchasing real estate and that is the assessment of your...


Part one – Understand your needs and purpose in purchasing real estate in Singapore – a guide for local customers

Buying and selling a property is, without a doubt, the biggest purchase most people will ever make and it is one that can be quite stressful. One of the main reasons people enter the property market with so much trepidation is the lack of a plan to purchase a property. Most people start their journey looking at available properties online and while this may be a good place to start, it can also result in...


How to find the perfect tenant for your investment property in Singapore

Investing in the Singapore property market is a great way to increase your wealth. Real estate in Singapore is constantly evolving so finding an investment in Singapore is a sure way to add value to your property portfolio. The magic of investing in property is that quality rental properties are in constant demand so it won’t take long to find a tenant. This is true for residential and commercial...


Seven Tips to Find the Best Real Estate Agent in Singapore

Singapore is one of the hottest real estate markets in Asia right now and there has been a lot of interest from people all over the world wanting to invest in property because of it. Yet for those looking to find their ideal condo – it is of paramount importance to get the best real estate agent in Singapore to help you. However, with close to 30,000 registered real estate agents in Singapore it...

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